SD 8: Dave Jones

Dave Jones has worked with friends and allies to help people, not special interests. As California’s Insurance Commissioner, as State Assemblymember, and Sacramento City Councilmember, Jones wrote legislation and enacted policies that built affordable housing, reduced pollution, protected public safety, improved health insurance coverage, and expanded early childhood public education. As California faces crises like never before, Dave Jones has the experience to help.

SD 10: Aisha Wahab

Aisha Wahab is a community leader fighting for solutions to put the American dream within our reach. She is running for State Senate to get back to basics: a roof over our head, food on the table, a job with benefits, affordable education and healthcare, internet access, clean air – and to fight for hard-working families in the Bay Area.

SD 28: Lola Smallwood-Cuevas

Lola Smallwood-Cuevas has lived experience of being from a working family who moved to California in search of better education, good union jobs, and a pathway to self-sufficiency. Lola Smallwood-Cuevas is running for State Senate to focus on addressing income inequality, tackling homelessness, expanding access to healthcare, ending oil drilling in the 28th District, and bolstering neighborhood safety.

SD 40: Steve Padilla

A longtime leader in California, Steve Padilla is running for state Senate to deliver for communities like South County and Imperial County that have been hard hit by the pandemic, tackle income inequality and economic recovery, expand access to healthcare, strengthen public education, lead on climate, and take action to combat racial injustice.

AD 20: Liz Ortega

For over two decades, California Labor Leader Liz Ortega-Toro has led the fight for safe, healthy, and diverse communities by working to create job opportunities and provide healthcare and reproductive planning rights for all. Liz says, β€œI’ve taken the No Corporate Money pledge – because I’ll always represent the people, not special interests.

AD 30: Dawn Addis

Dawn Addis is a City Councilmember, teacher, and mom, with a 20-year record of leadership in our Central Coast communities. As a Morro Bay Councilmember, Dawn has worked to promote economic development, improve local infrastructure, and protect the things that make the Central Coast such a special place to live.

AD 37: Gregg Hart

Gregg Hart is a Santa Barbara County Supervisor, representing the 2nd Supervisorial District. As an Assemblymember representing Santa Barbara County and southern San Luis Obispo County, Gregg’s top legislative priorities will be to focus on equity, criminal justice reform, environmental protections, education, economic opportunity, and practical initiatives to tackle homelessness and the affordable housing crisis.

AD 40: Pilar Schiavo

Pilar Schiavo is a Nurse Advocate and Small Business Owner running for Assembly in the new 40th district. She refuses to take money from big oil and greedy insurance companies. For more than 20 years, Pilar Schiavo has been an independent voice, standing up to corporations and those in power, delivering good jobs, affordable housing, solutions to homelessness and health care.

AD 47: Christy Holstege

Christy Holstege is a social justice attorney and community organizer who currently serves as the Outgoing Mayor of Palm Springs. As the Mayor of Palm Springs, Christy helped lead the city through the COVID crisis – enacting worker protections and supporting small business relief. She also led initiatives to combat homelessness and build more affordable housing, and enhance economic development.

AD 51: Rick Chavez Zbur

Rick Chavez Zbur (born March 2, 1957 in New Mexico) is an American attorney, LGBT activist, and former United States House of Representatives candidate.[1]  Rick Zbur is running to represent the 51st Assembly District, and promises to tackle the homelessness and affordable housing crises, rebuild the economy, combat climate change, advance civil rights, and build a brighter California for generations to come.

AD 69: Josh Lowenthal

He understands that complex problems require careful and creative solutions, and he has the experience and vision to build coalitions to address the challenges facing our state and neighborhoods. He’s focused on making our community better by working to solve the homelessness crisis, improve our public schools, and make sure everyone feels safe in their community and home.